About Us
The Vax to the Max Covid Vaccination Clinic is powered by Te Whānau o Waipareira and built to support the West Auckland Community as we endeavour to stamp out Covid-19.
No one asked for Covid. It happened and now we have to deal with it.
The Covid Vaccination Clinics use the Pfizer Vaccine only. It has been approved by Medsafe.
Our mission is to vaccinate all west Auckland whānau and keep them and their communities safe.
The Government has acquired enough vaccinations for everyone in Aotearoa, regardless of whether you are a New Zealand citizen or not.
– 3 weeks apart – to fully support your immune system and grow herd immunity.
Vaccination is a choice and yours to make.
Te Whānau o Waipareira will always respect your view as the most important and continue to support our whānau.